A Year of Miracles
Last Thanksgiving my husband and I took a walk on the beach which changed the course of our trajectory as a family.
We decided on the walk to sell our home. Our realtor had a client interested in our home and we wouldn’t even need to put it on the market. For those of you with kids, you know what a fabulous proposition that is! We had been looking off-and-on for months to find a new home that would suit our family and taking in my father who had been living in assisted living recovering from a major health crisis.
With no home to move into and complete trust in the Universe, we decided to sell our home. We negotiated a rent back so we wouldn’t have to move right away and it gave us a cushion of time to find a home or at the very least a rental home.
Looking back, this one leap of faith was the turning point for a year of miracles, manifestation and massive change.
Within two months of selling our home, we found an amazing rental on the best street in our town where Friday night potlucks and a Fourth of July parade is the norm. Where neighbors know everyone by name and actually stop to hear how you are doing. Moving to this gem of a neighborhood was such a blessing and a gift to each of us and one I know we wouldn’t have received had we not taken the leap.
Within three months of selling our home, I made a scary decision to go on a retreat in Southern France in the summer which stretched me waaaaaay past my comfort zones and in so doing also created an opportunity (again) for me to trust in the calling of my soul. For whenever I follow those intuitive hits, I am always met with resistance but once I work through the resistance and fear I learn so much and always up level my personal and professional game.
Within five months of selling our home, my husband interviewed with one of the top schools in our home state and received an incredible new teaching opportunity.
Within six months of selling our home, we found ourselves on a flight to look at homes to buy on the East Coast. Despite having two offers fall through, we learned of our third one going through the night I landed (alone) in France. It was all working out!
Within seven months of selling our home, we were closing on our new home across the country… a home with plenty of space and surrounded by privacy, nature and wildlife. This was the home I had been dreaming about for years and once we made the soul decision to say yes to an opportunity in front of us, all our dreams were waiting on the other side of that fear.
Now I don’t want to sugarcoat it and say it was easy to make any of these decisions. These were some of the toughest decisions I have ever had to make in my life. But what I do know, in reflecting back over this year of massive changes, is that one decision to take the leap and say yes to what we were feeling within was right. Even without knowing the exact outcome or HOW we were going to make things work. We were able to work together and focus on what we desired, holding that vision in complete trust and in continuing to make soul-led decisions, were what led us to where we are today.
I invested in a high-level coach. I joined a mastermind group. I took time away from my daily life to ask the hard questions and listen to the wisdom within. I worked daily on my self-care practice and creating sacred space within myself and within my family and business to propel my desires forward.
When you devote your time and resources to doing the inner work you open yourself up to miracles, manifestations and massive change to come through.
What this year has taught me is to be crystal clear about your intentions and that in order to create what you most desire you must first do the work within yourself. Only then do you create the sacred space for transformation to occur.
Until we allow ourselves time in a sacred cocoon to rest, retreat and re-emerge in-tune and inspired, true change is strenuous. Until we can allow ourselves to do the internal work so the external work is in alignment, we will continue to struggle.
A caterpillar spins themselves into a silken cocoon to protect themselves in their final stages of transformation. The cocoon then hardens to allow the final metamorphosis to happen undisturbed in a nurturing environment.
This step is never skipped for without it there is no transformation.
Just as the caterpillar creates a protective space to transform, so to must we. In order to create our international transformation or birth our next greatest project or cycle, we must enter the sacred space to align the work with our soul, receive clear and focused guidance, create momentum for our beloved work and allow ourselves the space we truly need.
This is why I created The Sacred Cocoon: An intimate 5-month journey to creating and launching your beloved work. Whether you are focusing on birthing a baby, a business or a new project in your life, you need to create the protective cocoon for you to fully embody this next phase of your journey. In this group program, you will connect with your purpose, align your life and work, create the practice of presence in your life, get grounded in your daily life and set-up the soulful and systematic foundations to support you.
Are you ready to ignite your soul and follow the deeper calling you feel within?
We are waiting for your brilliant light to shine and for you to live your miracles.