
daughters rising

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
—African Proverb

Daughters Rising was officially birthed under the Libra Full Moon in 2020, though the seeds of her essence had been closely tended to for years.

Daughters Rising is a space for all women and those most impacted by dominator culture, misogyny, and sexism.

Here you are invited to rest, to release harmful narratives and perspectives carried from the patriarchal, heteronormative, Industrial Growth Society, to reconnect with our spiritual gnosis, to dream, to cultivate uplifting everyday practices, and to nurture the interconnectedness of our lives and planet. We are here to shift the dominant narrative into one of collective and communal care.

At Daughters Rising we uplift and empower each other and the women’s spirituality that has been silenced, hidden, veiled, and misunderstood throughout time.

Daughters Rising stands by the principles and power of antiracism, visionary feminism, co-creation, and collaboration.

We encourage the praxis of spirituality, liberation, and service.

We believe in and stand up for the intersections of spirituality and justice.

We embody the power of circle leadership.

We seek to co-create communities of care and belonging.

daughters rising

Business Devotion

Daughters Rising is devoted to the ideals and framework of a Regenerative Economy and Just Transition. Just Transition is a framework for a fair shift into an economy that is ecologically sustainable, equitable, and just for all members.

To do this, we offer accessible pricing based on our client’s access to power and privilege. We are dedicated to the social and spiritual well-being of all and our intention is to contribute to a worldview of caring and sacredness.

Your spiritual journey and healing should not create debt. Please reach out if you ever require further support.

Daughters Rising is dedicated to the pillars and cultural vision of a Just Transition framework within a Regenerative Economy as defined by the Movement Generation.

“The culture of a Regenerative Economy must be one based on caring and sacredness of relationships to each other and the world upon which we depend. This is a culture where love, humility and mystery guide us instead of avarice, entitlement and arrogance. This is a culture of constraint. One in which we see ourselves as a part of and not apart from the living world.”

*More information on the strategic framework for a Just Transition can be found here.


Gretchen Sechrist Kehan, MA

founder and creatrix of daughters rising

Gretchen is dedicated to the unveiling of mysteries, recognizing the gifts of grief, and honoring the inner journey and descent necessary to transform ourselves in this shifting world.

As a Guide and Soul Midwife, she facilitates deep shifts and understanding to support the activation and healing necessary to lead a soul-led life and embody the sacred in everyday life.

Gretchen has worked for over 20 years in the fields of coaching and entrepreneurship. She is a trained Psychic, Transformational Coach, Priestess, Certified Online Business Manager, Sacred Space Holder, and Intuitive Healer. She considers herself a feminist, sacred activist, visionary writer, and evolving entrepreneur. She holds an M.A. in Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS).

Her scholarship in women’s spirituality and transformative justice has rekindled her passion for creating spaces for healing, critical thinking, and integral experiences to honor the inner descent necessary to embody and understand the divine connection we embody. She is dedicated to unveiling the mysteries and addressing the suppression of women’s spirituality and the oppression of women through acknowledging and recognizing these experiences and wounds within ourselves.

Carrying the archetypal essences of Priestess, Oracle, Scribe, and Mother she works through ritual, sacred space, channeling, guided meditation, groups, and private mentoring to empower women and those most impacted by patriarchy, misogyny, and sexism to reclaim their gnosis (wisdom), return to the power of circling, and become the inspired and empowered leaders of their own hearts, hearths, and lives.

gretchen believes in actively cycling with the energies
of the season and understanding your blood ancestral
and your spiritual lineage in order to walk the
pathway to know thyself.


I live, work, love, and am inspired by the unceded ancestral and spiritual homeland of the Lenni-Lenape People.* I respect the Indigenous people throughout the Lenape diaspora past, present, and future. I honor those who have been historically, systematically disenfranchised and forced from their homelands. I also acknowledge that the state of Pennsylvania and the United States as a nation was founded upon the systemic oppression, genocide, exclusion, and erasure of Indigenous and enslaved peoples.

I acknowledge my lineage as a descendant of European settlers that came to the Indigenous lands of Turtle Island seeking religious freedom. As a result, they participated in the displacement of the Lenni-Lenape people and the colonization of the lands. As a beneficiary of this genocide, land theft, and capitalistic system, I acknowledge the harm, trauma, and pain it continues to create.

I am devoted to reparations, allyship, antiracism, centering marginalized voices, active listening, spirituality rooted in social justice, liberation, and equality, and untangling from settler colonialism, white supremacy, and harm caused by organized religion and other institutions.

I believe we all have the ability to connect with the divine within.
I believe in reclaiming and recentering marginalized voices and lives.
I believe in solidarity, collaboration, and sacred activism. ​​

*To learn the Indigenous land you are on, click here.

A Special Note of Thanks…

To the teachers, mentors, clients, colleagues, and guides who have inspired and informed me along this line of work.

Thank you, especially to the Women’s Spirituality Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), MaryBeth Bonfiglio and the work of Blood + Belonging, Angela Bixby and the Conscious Psychic Program, Karine Belle and the Rooted Global Village, Resmaa Menakem who inspired the somatic abolitionism work and antiracism circles, the Priestesses of the Rose who supported my own journey and embodiment of this path, the Lenni-Lenape Tribe whose land I mother, work, dream, and live on, and my Quaker ancestors who whispered for me to return to these ancestral lands from the west coast and remember that spirituality is rooted in justice and love.

A very special thank you especially to the countless and constant companions, sisters, clients and soul travelers on this path who inspire and stretch me, and to my daughters who continue to remind me of the future we are moving towards.

Thank you to the elementals, the directions, the spiritual guides, and Mother Earth for your continued mentorship and support as well as the heart of the Great Mother who holds these cycles of life, death, and regeneration for us, our dreams, and our destiny.

May we unravel together to remember and become the healing that is needed.

“Power is not brute force and money; power is in your spirit.
Power is in your soul.
It is what your ancestors, your old people gave you.
Power is in the earth; it is in your relationship to the earth.”
—Winona LaDuke

you are here to unravel, to remember, to become.

you are here to be empowered, inspired, and aligned with the leadership of your soul.

You are here to rise into your power.

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