Allowing Yourself to Get Too Comfortable
Be wary of the danger of allowing yourself to get too comfortable. It is a distraction from the “work” you are here to do, the calling you are here to answer and the soul-led journey you are here to experience.
I remember when I hired my first coach. My daughter was 18-months old and I was feeling the need to work with someone to help me sort out next steps on my journey as a mother and assist me with clarifying the direction I wanted to take in my career. I had allowed myself to get lost in the “becoming Mama” stage, as I liked to call it.
I was home full-time with my daughter for her first year and had let my self-care routine get lost among many other things. I was beginning my journey as an entrepreneur and really desired an extra layer of support in creating the life I desired. The first few months with my coach were amazing. She helped me bring balance back into my life, I created transitions for myself between my work-at- home role and mother role, and my relationship with my husband was feeling more solid and secure.
I’ll never forget those months. I would leave my house to get the peace and quiet I needed to show up fully on the calls. There I was, every Tuesday afternoon, sitting in my car or walking the trails at a nearby park working out my purpose and life vision on the phone with my coach. It was a magical time where I felt inspired, aligned and connected with my purpose and my life.
Then, I got pregnant with my second child. My coaching package ended and I did not renew it because I felt it wasn’t “the right time.” I told myself it would be better to put the money towards other needs instead of focusing on my own growth and development. Also, part of me thought I could do it all myself.
Do you know what ended up happening?
I stopped working on myself at the level I was with a coach.
I stopped writing in my journal on a daily basis, which for me, is a sacred activity and way of connecting deeply with my own wisdom and intuition.
My self-care routine slipped.
I scheduled doctor’s appointments and toddler music classes during my sacred “me” time that I had reserved on my calendar.
I became comfortable in life’s routines.I became comfortable putting myself last (again).
One of the challenges we face as women is balancing the many roles we play in our everyday lives with the bigger calling we are here to do. What I have found is our “work” is to go within, unravel the twisted stories we tell ourselves to keep ourselves comfortable and show up consistently in our lives, in our work, in our relationships and in our homes that is in alignment with our truest selves. Even when it doesn’t feel like the “right” time. Even when we’re scared.
These are the times when we need to trust our inner voice, to push our edges and to move beyond the comfort of our everyday life so we can move ourselves towards our greater visions, goals and a life of alignment and abundance.
So, dear sister, do not allow yourself to do what I did. Do not allow yourself to get too comfortable.
You are here for more than that and there IS a way to do it in balance with your everyday roles, responsibilities and life.

As Fall slowly turns to Winter, we begin to descend into a season of reflection and inner growth. Working within the cycles of Nature, Winter can be a very powerful and potent time to do the deep, inner work that leads to creating a fulfilling, aligned and abundant Spring and Summer season.
This is one reason we are starting the Know Thyself Sisterhood Mastermind this winter. We begin in January with cleaning house to clear out what is no longer needed, to purge old items and stories and to create sacred space in your home and within yourself to manifest your deepest desires. (I also have a very special surprise teacher to help with this!)
From here, we deep dive into creating rituals and self-care practices to support your vision and get clear on your desires and goals. Then we work on healing your money story so you can begin to work with the natural cycle of abundance in your life. (And there are 6 months of training and growth after this!!)
Interested in learning more? Click here for more details and see the entire 9-month training themes.
2018 is around the corner and I want this to be your most amazing year yet!If you have any questions, sign-up for a time here for us to connect on the phone.