Allowing Your Soul to Make Decisions
The last few weeks have been ripe with signs, opportunities and fear for me. I have been going back and forth and back and forth AND back and forth about a calling I have felt since January. A calling to attend a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I said no for good reason. Logical reasons. It made sense… AT the time. I felt safe saying no and I knew I wouldn’t disrupt my family’s bank account or my little ones routine and feelings of security.
Then, the signs started popping up.
My soul kept whispering to me, writing to me in my journal and the voice got louder and louder. Until I had no choice but to listen.
I revisited the idea again. This strange pull that goes against the calendar, the responsibilities, the natural instincts I feel as a mother. I gave myself a deadline to make a decision by while I wrestled with the thoughts and fears. Saying yes would mean leaving my family for a week. It would mean being across the ocean from them. It would mean investing a lot of money with no guarantee for results. It would mean saying yes to an amazing experience, one that I could only dream of. Again, I said no to the calling I felt within.
The moment I said no this time, the Universe responded immediately (like within minutes) with even bigger signs and support. All of the excuses I had given for not going (money, time, support) flew out the window. I allowed myself to be vulnerable, raw and open with others through conversations. My partner could see me in this light and it allowed him to lift me up and hold the vision for me when I couldn’t see it clearly. My parents would help fill in and support the family in my absence. We received the money needed to make it happen within minutes of me saying no. Suddenly, all of my excuses vanished.
This time, instead of allowing fear, ego and self-doubt to lead, I went deep, deep into the sacred temple of truth that lies within each of us to validate my decision. Here I could feel my higher self leading the way. And in her presence, in her light, I had no fear, no question, no doubt.
“For where there is love, there is no question.”
Here I could sense the truth. I knew what was right. I knew what I needed to do to follow through on these ideas. I could sift through the huge amount of mama guilt, fear and endless questioning. I could feel the support I needed to feel.
The path of the soul is not for everyone. But mustering up the bravery and strength to awaken to our soul, our truth, our calling is so rewarding.
Sometimes this path does feel hard and it feels easier to stay in our comfort and daily rituals. But I know I am not here for comfort. I will not allow myself to give in to the ease of staying.
I am here to feel alive, awake and on purpose.
To live fully, love deeply and experience the richness of this life experience.
And this means dedication to the voice of soul, to the unique and authentic path that is mine. When I look at it this way, the path is not hard at all. It is harder to stay comfortable and numb. For in this place, you know what you will miss. You don’t know what you may miss when you say yes and take yourself to the other side.
If we can allow ourselves to believe that maybe, just maybe it IS easier to listen to the callings, the whispers and the guidance from our truth, we will awaken to the support surrounding us. The Universe is here to support us in living in alignment with our purpose. Our souls are not looking to take us into danger but rather to free us and to experience a full, brilliant and beloved life. A coach and mentor of mine says, “Our souls will tell us things our ego will not understand.”
There is absolutely no guarantee that once you make a decision from this place of trust that it will feel any easier. In fact, it is these exact moments that are riddled with stress, fear and anxiety for me typically. But when I feel into the why and follow the strings of fear back to their root, I am reminded that my soul will not lead me where I should not be. She will only lead me towards deeper fulfillment, purpose and beauty.
What is calling to your soul?
How can you embrace the truth of the calling and follow the voice of your soul? What support do you need? Ask for it. Be open. Don’t operate out of fear. Operate out of love.
This level of trusts feels exhilarating and freeing. Live your life for yourself and above all, trust that voice and guidance and know the support will be provided. Ask for what you need in order to create your beloved life.
Allow your soul to take flight.
Even when the timing seems all wrong, trust it is right.
Even in the midst of the chaos, the busy-ness, the responsibilities, trust it is right.
Even though the fear and the doubt are screaming to take over the wheel, allow your soul to lead.
For you supported.
The signs are there.
The support is there.
The love is there.
We just need to say YES.
We just need to trust.
We just need to take the leap.
If you have felt a calling, a whisper within and desire to dive deeper with it, please reach out and connect. We need support to birth our dreams and answer the call. I coach and mentor women ready to answer the call they feel and create a beloved life.