Babies, Bottles + Business
Today I am continuing with one of my most powerful stories of awakening to the power of intention and how the transition into motherhood inspired me to make a BIG change. At the time I knew what I didn’t want and that helped me figure out what it was I eventually did want to create for myself. Sometimes it’s knowing what we no longer desire that can lead us to our calling. Don’t ignore those signs. There is much wisdom there.
Are you ready to transition into your calling and next great vision?
The woman in transition fears not the future but a present that continues to repeat the same cycle over and over again.
The woman in transition knows she must descend into the unknown in order to fully reach her goals and vision.
The woman in transition is ready to feel her wings and fly.
The woman in transition knows her intention and her truth. She is ready to take action, whatever steps necessary.
Are you ready?

Motherhood for me brought on (accidental) entrepreneurship. During my maternity leave I was consumed with my beautiful, darling baby and my intention of finding a new job during my leave quickly became a pipe dream as we adjusted to this new life and struggled for our daughter to gain weight.
In the daily juggling act of babies, bottles and never-ending laundry and house chores, the dreams of my own business began to take root in unexpected ways. At first it was just a seed of hope that I could figure out a way to be home with my child and not return to the corporate job I dreaded.
I vividly remember rocking my daughter on our chair, staring out the window as she drifted to sleep and daydreaming about what it would look and feel like to be able to do this and only work part-time. I was not ready to place her into someone else’s care. I was not ready to walk away from this nurturing nursery and moment in time. I was not ready to leave her everyday for a job I did not enjoy and miss pivotal moments in her days. I was not ready to leave my baby. Not when she needed me the most. But what could I do?
Throughout my life I had become a master manifestor of jobs and opportunities that integrated my skills, strengths and passions. On more than one occasion I have had a boss create a new position based on my talents – in essence creating a job that sang to my soul. (Read and Remember: Always keep searching for your truth. It WILL find you.) I knew there had to be a way to align my work life with my desires for motherhood and my family life.
The days of nursing and bonding led me to hear a calling I may not have otherwise heard. I knew I did not want to return to my job and my daughter fighting for her weight and health helped me to slow down, be fiercely in the present moment, soak in those daydream moments and ultimately strengthen my intention of finding a way to be home with her as much as possible.
I believe in the power of intention and in living your truth.
But I wasn’t living my truth in my corporate job and I knew in order to navigate the shift into my greater vision, I needed to align my values with my work. It was no longer an option to continue on the path I was on in my job; for it was out of alignment with my greater vision.
A vision where I was available to my child, a vision where I wasn’t trading hours for money but was rather paid for my work and my skills (not my time), a vision where I was present and available for my young daughter (who needed me more than anything right now), a vision where my family could spend more time together on a daily basis vs just nights, weekends and vacations. A vision where my work aligned with my purpose, my passions and my calling.
Within a week of setting the intention to find a way to stay home with my baby, I learned my job had changed at the company and not in a good way. With my manifestation skills in hand and my strong desire to be as present as possible with my family, I left my job and put my trust in the Universe. Within a few short months I connected with an acquaintance about a potential opportunity to work with her and my own business of online marketing, business management and consulting was born.
Like many mama-preneurs, my business epiphany moment was in the midst of diapers, swaddling and wildly unsuccessful attempts to maintain my sanity while fulfilling a plethora of obligations as a mother, wife and all around Wonder Woman of the home and hearth.
In my epiphany moment I concluded that there had to be a better way:
A way to integrate my skills, talents, intentions and way of living,
A way that deeply honors who I desired to be and how I desired to live,
A way to live and work and remain true to my own inner compass and truth.
And there was a way.
I’ve created a business that provides the balance between my unwavering commitment to my family with my desire and ability to hold sacred space for strong, creative, deeply caring and courageous women like you to realize your dreams and transform into the woman you are meant to be in this life.
I am a keeper of the threshold for women in transition ready to leap into the unknown and co-create a life that aligns their purpose and passions and awakens their truth in a way that honors their unique path.
Just as it was time for me to birth my business and step out from behind the shadow of other people’s dreams, it is time for you to light your own dreams on fire as well.
I was able to birth my business amidst the babies, bottles and busyness of our everyday by hiring a coach and mentor to shift my internal perspectives and stories into a successful mindset and business model.
This is my calling, my zone of genius, and this is what I am here to do for you as well. Are you ready to answer your own calling?
I am here on the other side waiting to welcome you with open arms.