Carpe Diem

I have always resonated with the idea of “Carpe Diem”.

Definition: Seize the Day.
Used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.

How can you put “Carpe Diem” to work in your life and business?

For me, it’s about scheduling. As a busy Mama and Entrepreneur I wish to succeed and thrive in both arenas. My must-have is my calendar which allows me to “carpe diem” and drop more fully into the present and whatever hat I am wearing at that moment in time. My calendar is my container for life and for achieving my goals. It serves as my daily roadmap and compass.

I encourage you to “carpe diem” BUT with a twist. Instead of making the most with little thought to the future, put a little thought into your future.

What is that goal or vision you are working towards?

What would the woman who has already achieved that goal be doing in this present moment?

What do you need to do to “seize the day” that gets you one step closer to your business or life goal and vision?

Set your inner compass AND your outer compass (schedule or calendar).

Carpe Diem, my loves.

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