The Cave of The Unknown
Throw New Year’s resolutions away and follow me into the Cave of the Unknown…
You don’t write new year’s resolutions. Your ego does.
It wages a battle plan with your soul on what you should be doing, could be doing and would be doing. It brings up your goals and then puts them in neat, tiny check boxes. This works for those who are led by their ego. But in the era of illumination and soul leadership, they do not.
The only question you need to answer right now is …
Yes, we have goals, desires and dreams.
Yes, we have structures and what some consider constraints such as time, energy and money.
But we all have them.
In every country around the world we live our lives within 24-hour days. It’s how we choose to feel in the present moment and what we choose to do with our time and energy that impacts our money and abundance. And our future.
We have been in a season and cycle of death. We’ve been in it for the last few months, although some cultures consider the last few years a cycle of death before our rebirth.
Our structures and ways of doing things are dying.
We are in a great transition and time of awakening. We must allow what will not serve us collectively and individually to be healed and released to make way for a new cycle and season.
You can choose to stay comfortable and where you are, or you can choose to stay awake.
Once you wake up, it’s hard to go back to sleep, if not impossible.
I am asking you to stay awake, to follow your breadcrumbs of inspiration, to go from overwhelm to energized, to create the feeling you desire most in your belly and gut.
It is time we stop looking outside of ourselves for answers and start becoming the change we desire.
You know what that looks and feels like for you.
To keep it simple for me this year, I choose to embrace the moment, the pains, the challenges, the struggles, the sweetness, the passion, the laughter, the fear, the calling, the gifts and the deepest, truest desires I have not allowed myself to bring into the light.
I choose to embrace it all.
The darkness and the light.
If you choose to journey with me this year whether through my blog, a program or a retreat, know I am here to hold you in your own space and in the unknown.
Many women who I talk to express overwhelm and confusion on what their next step is.
I get it.
I feel it too.
When we have space in the Cave of the Unknown and a spiritual midwife at our side to help us birth our greatest vision and the next seed of creative inspiration, we are creating a new earth and a new conscious collective of awakened women, everyday priestesses and empowered mothers.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You have work to do.
We have work to do.
You are not alone.
How do you want to feel in 2018?
Let’s start there, in the safe space of the cave…
Go to our Facebook group and add your feeling for 2018 to our list.
Together we are here to birth each other’s visions.
Answer your calling, step into your power and reconnect with your truth & intuition.
In the Know Thyself Sisterhood Mastermind, I create and hold sacred space for you to connect and create the vision for what your life and work could be like; the AH-A-amazing life you’ve secretly dreamed of.
How good are you willing to allow life to get?
That’s where we will play for 9-months as you go deeper within to Know Thyself, the first pillar of deep, personal transformation. When we work together, you will be coached and guided to create your life of abundance, joy and purpose.
Because the world is waiting for your gifts to unfold, for your programs to launch and for your great work ~ and life ~ to take flight.
True power, change, understanding, creativity and collaboration come out of participating in a Mastermind.
Are you ready to experience it for yourself?
For all clients in the Sisterhood Mastermind, you will receive a personalized Oracle + Numerology Reading on your soul’s path for this year.
There are multiple payment plans available. If you feel called to be in this virtual circle, book a chat and we will find a way to make it work for you.