Clarity is Queen. Consistency is King.

We need clarity to know where we are going. Often times when we are in the midst of a great transition, we do not always have the clarity our logical selves would like to make decisions.

Instead, we can feel intuitively where we desire to go and how we desire to feel. This is a form of clarity and should not be ignored. It may not be what others deem “appropriate” for making decisions, but energetically it is wisdom and you know it to be true by how it feels. Our emotions are a built-in GPS system for us. Follow the joy.

Clarity is Queen.
Consistency is King.

To know where it is we need to go next we need to “Know Thyself” – our true selves – inside and out. We need to understand how we desire to lead and create our lives and we only get there by intimately knowing, understanding and connecting with our sacred self. It is possible to cut through all the noise and mind chatter to connect and get clear.

Clarity is Queen.
Consistency is King.

Progress occurs through consistent efforts. We need to show up consistently to make an impact, to be of service and to rule our beloved kingdoms with love. We show up consistently when we know inside and out our purpose and vision.

Clarity is Queen.
Consistency is King.

Clarity alone is useless without action. Clarity requires us to take action on a consistent basis. Consistency asks us to show up fully, to lead our lives in connection and trust, and to step out of the chaos and distraction and into aligned, clear action.

Clarity is Queen.
Consistency is King.

We cannot have clarity or consistency without action. Action sits at the heart of our throne. To create your beloved movement and to be the leader you desire to be in your home, your relationships, your life and your work, you must take action based on the wisdom you receive within.

Clarity is Queen.
Consistency is King.

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