Creating Containers for Your Creativity
One of the biggest lessons I received this summer was about designing structure for creativity. For me, creativity flows best when there is a container to catch it in. And structure is good not only for the Productive Worker Bee in me but also for the Everyday Priestess as well.
When I have a schedule in place, I consistently show up to work.
When I have a program in place, I consistently receive clients who desire the program goals.
When I have a morning routine in place, I consistently feel like a centered force for my family which results in smooth transitions instead of tantrums.
When I have a sacred practice in place, I consistently connect with my higher self and receive the inspiration, clarity and focus I desire most in my life.
I feel more balanced, in control and can lead my daily life with intention through the use of structures and systems such as routines, schedules, calendars, dates, programs and rituals instead of reacting and being at the mercy of other people, their intentions, schedules and the constant distractions vying for my attention on a daily basis.
Schedules, routines, structures and systems are all containers or buckets to receive things. In order for abundance to flow, we need to be able to receive. And in order to receive, we need a structure, system or process in place.
Recently while at a mastermind retreat on abundance, I realized the packing cubes I use in my suitcase are a physical example of how this works in my life. These containers allow me to stay organized and bring an abundance of things I need with me in a small carry-on suitcase. They also mirror the exact things I need in my business and work to keep my focus with many ideas coming to me and a long To Do list.
These simple containers allow me to bring what I need, stay organized and honestly, I receive so much satisfaction from using them and actually staying organized on any trip I take. It feels good which is a sign that you’re in your zone of creativity.
During the retreat we worked a lot with the shadows and behaviors that block us from receiving the natural abundance available to us all. One of my patterns I realized is not having the structure in place to support the many, many ideas I have which leaves me scattered and working on many things without finishing them instead of honing in on one project at a time until completion.
Being who I am naturally, without structures in place, I cannot fully show up with my creativity and inspirational ideas. It is like having the water from a pitcher but no pitcher in place to hold and catch the water. Without a container, a project, a program, a business to hold your creativity, it will run all over the place.
Our work needs containers to flow.Our creativity needs containers to fill up.
Our mind needs a container to fill with our thoughts and ideas.
Our heart needs people, places, projects to love.
Our body needs self-care and movement to express and move itself.
The containers are the masculine systems and processes in place to hold our feminine divine wisdom, creativity and inspiration. The masculine holds the feminine. More on this to come soon.
On my way home from the retreat I could clearly see the next steps for me personally and professionally were to create the space and structures to support my creativity, work, wellness, life balance and success.
As the leader in your own life, what structures and schedules do you need to put in place in order to receive abundance, achieve balance and express your creativity?