Cutting the Cord to Mastermind
A few weeks ago I cut the cord to my daily life and responsibilities to go to my live Mastermind Retreat. I knew how important it was to get myself there and to be live in person to mastermind, brainstorm and strategize with my coach and fellow “Mom Mogul Entrepreneurs”. I had booked my flight with no problem weeks earlier. Then in the days leading up to the retreat I found myself waking up multiple times each night in a panic.
“How will the girls do in my absence? Why did I decide to extend my trip for a day? I should have left early in the morning to help put them to bed the night before.”
On and on my Mama Guilt raged in the darkness of the night.
It was tough and relentless. However, that voice inside that is connected to my purpose and my business vision helped calm my fears and I held my girls tighter each day leading up to the retreat. I knew they would be fine (they always are). I knew my husband would manage. I knew I had my support system in place (thank goodness for babysitters and amazing teachers when family is not close). The person it is hardest on is…ME!
As Mama’s and soulful women entrepreneurs, it is often very challenging to cut the cord and to leave our nest. But it is also the most empowering decision we can make for ourselves, for our businesses and for our families. Something magical happens when we remove ourselves from our daily schedule. We gain perspective. When we mastermind with other soulful women entrepreneurs we gain clarity, confidence and above all else, the heartfelt support of women who are going through similar business and personal experiences.
What is a Mastermind?
The concept of the “mastermind alliance” was originally introduced by Napoleon Hill in his timeless classic, “Think And Grow Rich.” If you have not read this book, order it now. It has changed my life. Mastermind groups have actually been around throughout history. Napoleon Hill talks about a powerful mastermind alliance with the brilliant minds of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs and Luther Burbank. (Can you feel the power in that collective group?) Benjamin Franklin even belonged to a mastermind group which he called a Junto. Napoleon Hill infamously describes the mastermind group as:
The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.
No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].
He continues,
Economic advantages may be created by people who surround themselves with the advice, counsel and personal cooperation of a group of people who are willing to lend them wholehearted aid in a spirit of perfect harmony. This form of cooperative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune.
I received such clarity on my business and the programs I am creating in service to my clients this year during my Mastermind Retreat. I returned home to my family refreshed, inspired and ready for action.
Truly there is so much power, creativity and collaboration that can come out of a mastermind, or what I like to call the “Sistermind”. I will be creating a unique Soulful Sistermind in 2016 to support your own business growth. If you’d like to get on the VIP list for an exclusive invite, I welcome you with open arms here.
I will be pouring all of my knowledge, resources, training and coaching that I have gleamed from my 5 years in online business management, launch strategy and coaching into a highly-curated, sacred and personalized group experience. I have been longing to lead my own “sistermind” experience for some time now and 2016 seems to be the year to make it happen. I know I couldn’t have gotten to this point without my countless mastermind sisters throughout my entrepreneurial and motherhood journey and for my inspirational and exceptional mastermind group led by an amazing coach.
If you are ready to step into your brilliance, integrate your purpose in your own business and lead your business from an authentic and heartfelt space, I hope to see you in the coming year in a Soulful Sistermind Group.