On Devotion
The definition of devotion is the state of being ardently dedicated and loyal to a cause. When you look at your life, what you are devoted to?
I am dedicated to the health and well-being of myself and my family because without myself being fully present, healthy and well, I cannot be the Mama, Wife, and Daughter I desire to be for them. While I am all that, I am also devoted to the beloved movement and expression of my purpose through my work in service to the greater good.
In order to fulfill your desires, you need a great deal of time and energy to pour into the act of devotion. Prayers, rituals and sacred space are part of one’s devotional practice.
A key ingredient in the unfolding of my beloved work is time away to work ON it in order to gain perspective, brainstorm and strategize with others who may be able to see what I cannot.
Another factor is the fierce loyalty and commitment to the personal, internal work that is required to create your beloved work in the world. By going away where I am not bothered by daily distractions and everyday roles and responsibilities, I can full-heartedly partake in the devotional acts that support my beloved work as well as recognizing and releasing personal blocks that hold me back.
A mastermind with sisters, working retreats away, scheduled time out of my home office to work on my beloved business, daily time in nature, accountability goals and weekly meetings are all part of my rituals and practices that support my devotion.
The more I can pour into my creativity and inspiration cup, the more lit up and centered I feel which ultimately impacts how I mother, how I love and how I lead a household and a business. (Everything is connected in the Universe.)
Here are a few journal prompts to help you contemplate and define your own devotion and support in creating a devotional practice:
What are you committed to in your life?
What are you committed to created?
What is a deep desire that won’t stop calling to you?
How are you committed to showing up in the world?
How can you better show up in devotion to your beloved movement and roles in this lifetime?
What does your devotion look like?
How can you enhance the time, energy and attention you pour into your devotion?
What daily/weekly/monthly practice, rituals and schedule do you need to put in place to support your devotion?
By turning your devotion into sacred acts, focused attention and intentional action, you will create the space for your dreams and desires to come to life.