Don’t Hold Back

A Love Note for You,

“Don’t hold back.”

These words were whispered in my ear and are meant not only for me but for all of us soulful women entrepreneurs, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, soul seekers and art-makers.

Don’t hold back from expressing who you are, what you are about and why you are here.

If you feel limitations in your life, explore them. Our stories and experiences are here to teach us.

If you feel fear and doubt, embrace them. You are not meant to walk your path alone and you have many friends, sisters, colleagues and mentors available to you. All you have to do is be available and ask for help.

If you feel excitement, go for it. That deep feeling of enthusiasm that ignites your passion, your soul, your purpose is your guidepost on your journey. Seek out the excitement, the challenge, the dreams…and make them happen.

This is not about living life. This is about CREATING a life you love.

What will you create this year?

Release the fears, banish the doubt and refuse to succumb to the limitations. Instead, embrace the perspective that the Universe is here in full support of you. There is one simple perspective I was taught that has shifted everything for me. It is this:

What if instead of imagining the worst-case scenario, you imagined the best-case scenario?
The Universe is ready and here to give you your best-case scenario. Default to the “best-case scenario” not the fear-based thoughts of your mind. Embrace more of the love and positive “What If’s” in your life.

What is your best-case scenario, love? Life – and your tribe of sisters – is here waiting to help make that happen.

With complete love,


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