🌟 Epiphanies for 2024 🌟
Happy New Year. Blessed Epiphany Day. And Happy Birthday to Jehenne la Pucelle, Joan of Arc!
I have been sitting with the energetics, numerology, and astrology of this new year for days. Because I follow the cycle of the seasons and the wheel of the year I am not always drawn to New Year’s resolutions and the charge ahead. Alas, I am also a Winter baby born in the middle of a blizzard on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. So I do lovingly welcome in the change that happens when we shift into a new year and chapter. I see threads of connection and know the power of and for the people (Aquarius) needs to be anchored and grounded in the Earth and cultures, communities, and systems of care (Capricorn).
As a side note, I also find it challenging to promote my work in times when the voices of and for the people (Aquarius) continue to be disrespected, disregarded, and ignored by those in power (Capricorn). This is a thread of connection to this year, especially in the United States. Bear with me as I try to weave these threads together for us.
After our collective 7 year in 2023 which focused on reflection, spirituality, and the wisdom of the intuitive mind, we have learned what is important to us. What are we willing to stand up for and against? What is at the heart of humanity?
This is where we have been.
I think we can all agree our collective hearts have been broken open this past year and now we are asked to bring this experience into the next chapter of our shared journey.
How can our hearts and heartache inform and inspire a changed definition of resources, leadership, and power?
This is where we are heading.
2024: The Year of Transformative Power
In numerology, we have entered a collective 8 year (2024 = 2+0+2+4 = 8). The energetics of 8 include the concepts of resources, power, and leadership. Wars have been fought over resources and power. Land has been stolen and occupied over resources and power. People have been killed – and continue to be killed – for resources and power.
2024 in numerology is a year to evaluate resources and power. It is asking us as a collective to discern the channels of prosperity, abundance, and productivity to create change that is accessible, inclusive, and situated in right relationship with all beings and the planet.
A collective 8 year is also one dedicated to summoning power, whether it be power through control and greed, or power through autonomy and the needs of those most marginalized and oppressed. We move ahead after the past reflective year to now embody the lessons and call forward the spiritual understanding of slow growth and realizations of what is needed in the form of intention, leadership, information, and resources.
This year, the global perspective on leadership will certainly be up for debate and transformation. Are we able to transform the idea of what collective resources, power, and leadership can become?
Some numerologists define an 8 year as a year of achievement, success, and manifestation. How does one use their assets to rule? How does one manifest their goals?
Through a visionary feminist and decolonial numerology lens, let us look at the energetics of 8 through the collective journey dedicated to healing and well-being, redistribution of wealth, and collaborative leadership.
Our calling last year was to determine our connection, what binds us together, what is our spiritual home and hearth that we tend together, and what are our sacred values, strengths, challenges, and grievances.
We take the reflections and lessons learned together and amplify them now in this new year through our shared leadership and collective action. Through this lens, the 8 year is our calling and desire for resources and well-being for all (people, plants, beings, species, mother Earth), through the redistribution of wealth and power. This is the path we are on together this year. Do you feel and sense it?
In a year where resources and power are highlighted, let us look deeper into their meanings.
The Oxford Dictionary defines resources as “a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively,” and “a country’s collective means of supporting itself or becoming wealthier, as represented by its reserves of minerals, land, and other assets.” (Note how colonial and imperialist these definitions are.)
The origin of resources is Latin, surgere, and means to rise. Later in Old French it becomes resourdre ‘rise again, recover’.
This is the year to transform our collective resources, power, and leadership. This is the year we rise together.
For those living in or connected to the United States, this is an ominous year as we also have a Presidential Election in this 8 year, asking us to embody the changes we desire to the structures that hold power, authority, and resources. We know the divisiveness that comes with an election year. May we find ways to channel our shared empathy, strength, and visions for a present and future rooted in collective care and belonging.
The astrology of the United States makes it extremely clear that we are at the precipice of great change and transformation. It is a collective call-to-action with the country’s Pluto return to look beyond the veils of illusion and acknowledge the harm, trauma, and pain this country was founded on. It is an important time of reckoning, recognition, and redistribution.
According to Sir John Glubb, most empires fall (or radically transform) after ten generations or about 250 years. This is where we find ourselves now in the US. With our Pluto return and a year asking us to challenge wealth, power, leadership, and resources, this is not the time to stay silent, complicit, or on the sidelines. We will all be asked to integrate our lessons and actively contribute.
Together, we must heal the divides that have kept us apart. Together we can center, amplify, and uplift the needs of those most harmed. This is how we redistribute resources, wealth, and well-being. This is how we activate hope in times that feel inconceivable. This is how we set the stage for the next year of completion in our collective journey.
May the epiphanies of this year bring the understanding and inspired actions we need for liberation and justice.