Forget balance. Embrace cycles.

Forget Balance
If five years of entrepreneurship and six years of motherhood have taught me anything it’s this:

Forget the pursuit of balance and embrace the concept of cycles.

Knowing there is a season to everything has given me permission to get off the hamster wheel of trying to find balance in my daily life. All I can do is to be fiercely present in whatever cycle I am in and make the best decisions for all involved.

With two small children and a chronically ill parent, I know my business will not always be on the front burner of my life. I need to have automation and systems in place for my business to run without me. This is something I have helped clients create because emergencies do happen. Life is filled with surprises. And when these creep up, you need to have money in the bank to survive or automated systems and funnels in place to continue to bring in new clients so you don’t go hungry.

Focus on one business goal at a time and create automation within your business. This allows you to more fully embrace the cycles of life and motherhood.

Ditch the guilt.

Be at peace with where you are.

Plan as much as you can for the seasons to come so you can gracefully step into the cycle of where you need to be.

Be fully present.

Click here to download the Top 25 Online Tools to Automate Your Business and Fund Your Freedom.

I created this tool to help you find the tools that will empower your business to run in a systematized manner. Creating a solid foundation allows you the power to embrace the cycles and seasons of your life and to enjoy the miracles and moments that matter most.

Much love!

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