Guts, Trust and Moving Trucks
You are about to dive ~ and dive deep ~ into the beloved arms of embodying your truth, your purpose, your mission, your calling.
Do you hear it?
You feel the tides of change calling to you and you are ready to answer them.
Do you hear it?
You do not yet know what lies ahead but you have a glimpse, an idea of where you desire to be and who you desire to become in this next chapter.
Do you hear it?
You are a woman in transition.
A woman in transition has her feet in two worlds – her current, waking reality, and the world that is calling to her – to embrace her gifts, her talents, her purpose in a meaningful way that serves others and connects her deeper with herself, her intuition and a tribe that gets her.
So I ask you again…do you hear it?
This is your calling asking you to listen.
Guts, Trust and Moving Trucks: What it took to answer my own calling and trust my own guidance
“Move to Pennsylvania and bring your Dad along with you,” I heard a voice tell me one day on a walk I was taking around the block to clear my head between coaching calls.
“Excuse, me, WHAT?!” I literally said out loud with a gasp. I don’t think so, I thought in my head.
As I continued on my walk I received more intuitive guidance on this very specific directive.
I instantly had goosebumps, which is a sign of truth for me. Sometimes the guidance from our soul is not what we necessarily want to hear.
Ok, deep breaths, I told myself. This was completely unexpected. We had spent the last year looking for homes in our town in northern California as we were ready to find a place locally that would accommodate my father moving in with us who was recovering from a life-threatening hospitalization. I had no intentions of moving back to the East Coast and had made that abundantly clear to my husband the last time our yearly conversation on the topic came up.
But something felt different today. It must be my soul, I thought, because I would not choose to go back there on my own accord right now. I fell deeper in love every year with our life in Sonoma County. We were surrounded by love and support and I was just beginning to make really good connections for my own coaching and consulting work.
Why would I give that all up?
I chose not to share this soulful insight with my husband that night. I needed time to sit with all this and process through it. My ego was not ready to take on this big of a leap and transition. And I knew this was my intuition, my soul or some type of divine guidance coming through because I never would have had that idea for myself, yet it feel strangely right in my bones.
The funny thing about a calling is it doesn’t leave you alone.
I allowed myself to talk myself out of following a calling years ago to become a coach (more on that in a later post). And do you know what I found as a result?
Life goes on. But the momentum, the connection, the magic you feel when you follow an inspired calling stops.
You easily fall back into a pattern that cripples you.
You feel stuck, stagnant and internally like something is missing.
If you could just put your finger on it, you could change it. But you know what is missing you just don’t always have the guts and courage to face the music and make the choice that could change your life.
What I have learned as a woman in transition is that my journey is about TRUST as much as it is about ACTION.
I must learn to trust the voice, the truth and the guidance within. That voice that told me to become a coach, well I chose to ignore her for a long time until I just couldn’t anymore. There is a voice inside that tells me I am a writer and I have ignored her for a very long time as well. Discernment is knowing your truth and taking inspired action steps from that space of trust, connection and alignment. Over the course of my own transitions I have taken the painful steps to restore my trust in my intuitive self, my higher self, my sacred truth. It is not an easy process but it is most definitely worth it!
My journey has taught me to have the courage to take the steps to achieve what our intuitive self and truth asks, to release judgement, to trust our source of wisdom and to commit to our calling.
So here I was finding myself again at the feet of Lady Trust asking me to listen to a calling.
Would I listen to the unexpected direction from my soul to move my entire family across the country or would I stay where I felt comfortable?
Most of you know the answer by now.
It took guts, trust and moving trucks but we did in fact make the transition from the west coast to the east coast. It’s been a little over a year now and I admit at times I dearly miss our life in California, but I also know when I have the courage to listen to a calling things have a way of always working out.
The same goes for you.
What whispers have you been hearing and ignoring?
What is calling to you to create, become, develop or embody?
Sometimes we need to go where we are most uncomfortable with faith and trust as our guides, to transform our own journey and step more fully into the life we desire to lead. Sometimes it is the unexpected whispers, directives and callings that bring the most cherished of changes your way.
What is it you hear, sister?