Have you felt this call and shift?

There is a quickening happening. I have felt it for some time and I know you have to. It is a calling to remember, to remember who you at your core, to remember who we have been as women, to remember the power and potential that dwells within each of us, to remember what has been possible so we can create what desires to be.

There is a rising of the divine feminine that has been happening on our planet for the last number of years. The kundalini energy center of the planet shifted in 2012 from the masculine in the Himalayan mountains to the feminine in the Andes. This event happens every 13,000 years and produces a profound shift in the energy of the planet and in the people as well. It is part of a cycle of time called the Precession of the Equinox.  

Can you feel that shift in your own life and in your own soul seeking?

Can you see it in the collective?

This shift ignited a collective shift in energy and the transition is not always easy. That is visible in our everyday life as well as our government, leadership and environment. Gaia is reminding us how out of balance we have become with her.  

This transition is felt in whispers, in soul nudges in callings that may not make sense. As an example, I received one such calling in a time of great personal transition in 2015 when a calling I felt asked me to go to Southern France and walk the lands where Mary Magdalene lived and taught after the crucifixion. It was the worst possible timing in my life, I didn’t have the money for the trip and we were in the midst of making the biggest move of our life from one coast to the other. Yet, the calling persisted and I finally succumbed to it and went. That trip changed me. I’ll share more with you later about it.

Just know that when you have a calling from your soul, trust it to guide you, no matter how frightening or scary it is. Wherever and whatever that may be is almost always in service to your soul, to your remembering.   The calling can come as breadcrumbs of inspiration, whispers you hear, dreams you have, literal signs that you see and lyrics in songs that give you goosebumps and validation.

The initiations come in times of change and unrest when you are deep in the unknown and going through grief, when you are making tough decisions to leave your marriage, change careers, have a child or deciding to not have a child. It can come when you lose a loved one, move through disease and illness, work through trauma or ask yourself where you have been the last few years as you’ve busy raising children or building your career or business.

The calling comes when it is time, not always when it is convenient.

We are living in times of great transition collectively and individually. These times can be exhilarating and painful all in the same breath. They are ripe with grief and sadness as well as excitement and pleasure.  We can fly high on dreams and downloads of inspiration and also be met with shackles of fear, resistance and ego blocking us from moving forward.

It is in these sacred times of transition that require us to remember that we as women are sovereign beings, to remember the leaders and guides before us have laid a path of remembrance for us. It is in these times that we must decide for ourselves to walk the path of remembering who we are and why we are here so we can devote ourselves to service and leading a soul-led life.

I have so much more to share. I know I have been away from your inbox and this blog for some time. I have needed this rest and reset in my life and in my work. I had been seeking solace and clarity when in reality, clarity comes through action and solace comes through connection.

My website is not rebranded, my new programs are not yet out but I stand here now, reaching through the screen to tell you it is time to gather your energy, to stop being so scattered and to start reclaiming your sovereignty. We can do it together. We must and we will.

Things will feel worse before they feel better and it is up to each of us individually to listen to our calling and to do the internal work so we may be part of the change we desire externally.

There is no race to the finish line.

We are in it for a lifetime.

So let’s gather together, share our resources, insights and knowledge and begin the inner journey of descent…together.

It is into the silence, the void, the cave of the unknown we must go. To descend into our own darkness to unearth our light.

To be Silence so that we may become Truth – fully embodied and expressed.

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