How to Commit to Your Calling


It’s been coming up a lot for me this month. Not only did I celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary this month, I also (re)committed myself to doing the work that makes my soul happy.

Neither of these have been easy but both have a few things in common that I think will resonate for you on your own journey as well. You see, commitment creates the sacred container to bring forth clarity, abundance and purpose. Here are a few things to look for as you navigate through your transition and commit to your own work that makes YOUR soul happy.

  1. Follow the Joy and Fun
  2. Be Where You Are At
  3. Show Up


Follow the Joy and Fun

I was reminded how my marriage started out as two people having fun and relaxing into the moment together. When I first met my husband, we didn’t label our relationship for months and months. Honestly it took longer than I was comfortable with, but I discovered our shared value of having fun together brought us closer together. Through my experiences with him, I learned to trust the magic and gift of the present moment and to not cast myself in a future that did not yet exist.

It led me to thinking. If a sacred commitment such as marriage can start out with FUN…what else can you create from FUN and JOY?

Take your work or business for example. When you allow pleasure into the picture, what changes?

What can you create with ease, joy, and fun that would make your soul happy?

Our emotions serve as guideposts on our journey. When in doubt, check in with yourself and see what your emotional status is. Knowing where you are on the scale is a good indicator of alignment. And please don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s impossible to jump from sadness or anger to joyful and happy. There is a ladder of emotions to climb and take it one step at a time. For now, think about what would make you spontaneously break out into a dance of celebration. Follow the joy and fun. I promise abundance is on the other side of that.

Be Where You Are At

In my 20’s, I struggled with my career and finding my path and true purpose. I was trying to make myself happy in jobs that were not the right fit for me. I knew I was meant for more than what I was currently doing but I didn’t know what that was! I was not happy in my career and it was suffocating the joy out of my body, my relationships and my life. My relationship was in jeopardy. I no longer sought out new friendships because I didn’t feel like my happy-go-lucky self. I had an injury that was causing a lot of physical pain. And I found myself getting lost in the constant cycle of seeking, asking questions and not feeling like I was getting anywhere. I was a big, hot mess.

I finally got to a point where I allowed myself to feel where I was at. All of the misery, sadness, pain, shame, fear and doubt. All of it.

And do you know what happened next? It wasn’t a huge epiphany or thunderbolt of clarity. It was the deep exhale and release that comes with forgiving yourself. For accepting things you cannot change, for knowing things will get better but for right now, it is a dark night of the soul.

I journaled and cried a lot and I’m not talking just one monumental dark night. It was a period for me. But with each passing day, I allowed myself to be where I was at. To acknowledge the feelings and to take steps towards what I wanted to feel, even if I didn’t know exactly what that looked like yet. I took more walks along the coast. I gave myself permission to sign up for things that piqued my interest. I went camping and hiking on the weekends with my partner. I allowed myself to be in the current circumstance and not force deadlines that weren’t working any ways.

I became committed to seeking the answers within myself instead of outside of myself. I allowed myself to be where I was at

Show Up

Relationships require presence. Showing up in your relationships is 90% of the work. My marriage has had many hills and valleys that we have had to walk. But I have discovered when both of us are showing up, being present, communicating our needs, desires and feelings, we can work through anything.

The same goes for the beloved work you desire to birth in the world. When you can create a structure that allows you to show up consistently, action takes precedent.

This past year I have been through huge transitions and transformations not only in my personal life but in my work as well. I have done a lot of training and hired mentors to help me sink deeper into my intuitive abilities and shamanic women’s work. By showing up for my own development, I have been able to show up in a deeper way with my clients. The results have been incredible!

But for so long I was searching for clarity on what exactly my work looked like. I had a sense but it wasn’t yet clear. By showing up and doing the personal work as well as the professional work, I received clarity, confidence and the calling I am feeling today that includes incredible women like yourself.

Clarity comes through persistence, dedication, trust and intention. You must show up as a participant in your life, in your work, in your relationships.’

Commit yourself to honoring the whispers of your soul.
Commit yourself to seeking your own answers.
Commit yourself to doing the work, even when it’s hard, scary and frustrating.

Because when you show up, you take action and taking action propels you forward.

Through commitment, we can move ourselves closer to clarifying and unleashing our calling. Creating in the name of joy, fun and ease allows us to open up the channel to abundance, clarity and confidence. As you transverse through any transition, know these key steps will support you. Follow the joy and fun, allow yourself to ebb and flow in the natural cycles and seasons of your life and receive clarity through persistence, action and dedication.

So what are you waiting for, Sister?

Sacred Ritual

Just as we commit two people together in ceremony for marriage, we can commit to our life’s work or calling. If you aren’t clear yet on what your life’s work or calling is, you can create an intention that supports you moving forward in your life at this moment in time.

Here is a ritual you can perform yourself. You can also have fun creating a unique one for yourself. Feel free to share your ritual in our Facebook Group so we can fully support you, Sister.

Take quiet time to journal and reflect on your intentions you are committing to.
What would make your soul happy right now?

Write a clear intention statement or purpose of your life’s work or calling. These are your “vows” to your work, your calling, your life, your relationships, your intention, etc.

When writing an intention statement, be as clear as possible (I desire X, Y, Z.). Go deep here and look for what is at the root of your desires.

Light a candle and recite your vows out loud.

Burn the vows (after you have taken a picture), bury them and water them. This way you are using all of the elements.

Write out a Commitment Statement and post it where it will inspire you on a daily basis.

Here are some prompts to help you write this statement:
Today, I choose to…
(What is the work you are choosing to do today? How do you desire to feel? What bounties and blessings would you like to receive?)
Always end with gratitude and thanks. (Thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity and all the blessings it brings.)

Have fun and let me know how it goes, sister!

If any of this resonates for you and you are ready to take action toward answering your calling, reply and we can set up a time to connect. I offer Free Clarity Sessions and would love to support you on your journey. Receive your free session by emailing me at

Lots of Love~


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