Living An Abundant Life

Abundance means different things to different people. We all have our own version of what an “abundant life” looks like. To some it conjures up the idea of wealth. To others it embodies living life on your own terms with a means of supporting oneself and loved ones.

To me, abundance has meant having the freedom to pursue my calling, be present with my children, be honest and open with my partner, travel and explore our world and live a healthy, joyful lifestyle. An abundant life allows me the time, money and freedom to experience life fully whether that is going to live music events with my husband, having a “working mom’s retreat” with girlfriends or just being able to pick-up my daughters after school and go to our local park or library.

Living an “abundant life” I have found starts with mindset. A mentor of mine teaches, “it’s all between the temples.”

Our experience comes from our thinking.
Our thinking influences our actions.
Our actions influence how we live our life.
It all starts between the temples.

Steps to Living an Abundant Life


  1. Define your version of Abundance.

    Before you can enjoy an abundant life, you have to define it. What does an abundant life look like to you? How are you showing up in your life, work and relationships? What is the feeling of overflowing fullness? Where do you feel abundance in your current life? How can you share this wealth of abundance, joy and truth with others?

  2. Connect with your Desires.

    Your desires create an exquisite and authentic life that is uniquely you.  Getting clear on your desires is the road-map to creating any level of wealth, abundance and direction. As women and definitely as mothers we tend to put others’ needs and desires in front of our own. To fully live an abundant life, your desires need to be clear. You can’t lead a soulful, abundant life if you haven’t had sleep, nourishing food or time for yourself. I encourage all of my clients and friends to take time just for them on a daily basis to connect with source and engage in the vision of their life and desires.Do you wish to own a new home? Do you wish to start a new project or launch a new business? Do you desire more money to buy organic food and products for you and your family? It doesn’t matter what your desires are – define them, feel them and cherish them. Do not allow fear or judgment to set foot in this realm. This is pure creation. What will bring forth the happiest version of you? This is where your desires lie. Bring them front and center. I give you permission (in case you needed it.)

    Once you connect and define your desires, try them on. Who is the woman who lives in that new home? Who is the woman who has successfully launched her new program? Who is the woman who consistently brings in $5k/month? Who is the woman who lives her life in alignment with her purpose, her work and her role as a mother? How does SHE feel? How does SHE act? Embody the feelings and emotions and move into inspired action from this place of connection and joy.

  3. Develop an abundant and miracle mindset.

    Do you believe in miracles? Better yet, do you believe they can happen for you and for the ones you love?Consistently hold the vision of what you desire no matter what. It’s your job and responsibility to create the life you desire, no one else will do it for you. It’s a lot like going to the gym to develop more tone and muscle. Just like when you set the intention to strengthen your body, you also need to set the intention to strengthen your mindset. Doing visualizations, creating and using mantras and having time dedicated to connecting with your vision of the life you desire to create and live will strengthen your miracle and abundant mindset.
    When my father was on life support in the hospital, I envisioned him walking back into the hospital with a smile on his face and personally shaking hands with the nurse who saved his life and the doctor who would save his life. He ended up being in the hospital on life support in a medically induced coma for over a month but my image of him walking back into the Critical Care Unit alive, happy and well did not falter. I imagined it, I felt it in my bones and I believed in it. I put my trust in the universe and in the staff and sure enough, our miracle came. My Dad survived! This is what I call the miracle mindset. It’s not enough sometimes to just believe, you have to boldly ask for miracles, stay consistent with your vision and then be open to receiving them.

  4. Choose Your Time Wisely.

    The other important piece in developing your abundant and miracle mindset is to be intentional with how you spend your time. Reading books on wealth consciousness and mindset will quickly strengthen your mindset and manifestation muscle.  A few of my favorites include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles,  A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson and anything by Dr. Wayne Dyer.What activities can you engage in to support an abundant mindset, clear head, open mind and joyful heart? Ask yourself that question when you decide what you say “Yes” to and what you say “No” to. You are the keeper of your time. Make the best decisions for you.

I encourage you to sit with this process and envision what your wildly abundant and soulful life looks and feels like. Go through this process in your journal, connect with your vision on a daily basis and let me know what happens! When we commit, stay focused and in alignment, miracles do occur.

I am here in full support of your miracles unfolding.

Connect with me here if  you would like a complimentary Clarity Session to call forth your desires and abundant life. Together we can create an inspired plan of action.

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