
March theme

Each month I set a monthly theme or intention for my life and business. This month’s theme is MOVEMENT. I feel it physically as we prepare to literally move this month. I am also feeling it emotionally as I prepare to launch a sacred ecourse and free challenge later this month. In my business (and my life) this means taking many small steps on a daily basis that add up to one big movement.

There is a lot of collective energy and momentum right now in the world. Take the time to pause, reflect and listen to your dreams. They are clues for you along the way. I had a client this week listen to one of these signs and have a “one-day flash sale” which was a huge success. I had another client change her program she was going to launch and found more ease and joy.

Movement. Staying in the flow. Listening to your intuition. Leading your business with soul.

Movement. Riding the wave of an idea all the way through to the menial and technical tasks to carry it through and launch your idea into an offering, program, business or project.

Movement. Staying committed to your course. No.Matter.What.

Movement. Physically, emotionally, spiritually taking steps, no matter how small, towards your larger vision..the beloved movement you are creating.

Comment below if you would like a free calendar for the Soulful Entrepreneur which includes monthly themes, goals and the lunar cycle to help you lead your beloved business with intention, integrity and soul.

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