My Road Trip with Fear
I have found myself on a road trip with fear lately.
Sometimes fear and guilt pay me visits. As an entrepreneur and a mother I am not afraid to admit this anymore. I’ve learned it’s part of the journey. More often than not, I unwillingly allow myself to go on a road trip with fear and guilt. I can start out my work week inspired with new ideas I want to create and implement. But somewhere along the journey I allow the fear and guilt and doubt to creep in and start yelling at me from the sidelines. It goes something like this: “You’re not good enough, You don’t have anything new to offer” and the big one…”You’ll never make money doing what you love.” All these thoughts keep echoing in my head.
Before I know it, all the songs on the radio are from the artists of Fear, Guilt, Doubt and Insecurity.
How do I stop these tunes from playing? How do I alter my road trip with Fear?
I found a way to transform my experience and my inner map. Using an exercise I use with my own clients, I turned the table on myself.
I took a piece of paper and crayons and drew out the fear. I drew its grubby hands on my steering wheel. I drew out all the dark feelings it was triggering within me that I am not good enough, that I won’t make money, that I should just stop this maddening path and go get a j-o-b. I drew it all out until I had nothing left within me. I looked at the picture and then I did something I wouldn’t have thought to do before.
I thanked the fear. I thanked the guilt.
They have protected me on this trip. They have kept me safe. But now it is time for them to go. And so I thank them.
Thank you for keeping me small and on the sidelines. Thank you for doing what you thought was best and keeping me safe and secure.
I am ready to drive this car on my own road trip with Inspiration, Joy, Fun and Truth playing their tunes on the radio. I am ready to create a wildly abundant, soulful life on my own.
I know you will always be here with me, Fear, Guilt and Doubt. But you no longer will be sitting in the driver’s seat. Thank you for keeping it warm for me. Thank you for playing your music. But you no longer have control of the wheel, the radio or the vehicle for that matter.
This is my road trip and we will be doing things my way now. Thank you.
I then turned my paper over and drew the abundant and warm rays of Truth, Prosperity, Purpose and Bliss shining on my path and supporting me on this journey. I felt the rays of light warming my bones and inspiration creeping back into the driver’s seat within.
This feels much better. Whenever I am in doubt or fear I will stop to check who is in the driver’s seat.
Acknowledge who has been in control. There is no need to judge, there is room for everyone. But we have the ultimate choice of how we wish to show up, what we wish to create and how we desire to live our lives.
Tell me, who is with you on your road trip? Who do you want to journey with?