On Following Your Own Calling + A Gift for You
Last weekend I went on my final retreat with the mastermind I have been part of, The High Priestess Circle, where we underwent an intense ceremony. After our initiation I realized I had come full circle from my travels to France over a year ago when I took the biggest leap of faith and traveled across the ocean listening to my intuition and reigniting my trust in myself, reactivating my intuition and discovering what my calling was in my work.
The past 1.5 years has been an initiation to accept my gifts, to become an apprentice of my craft and to align my life and my work.
It has not been easy. It has been a time of great upheaval, transition and change. But I was not alone in my journey. I had support, a mentor and a circle of sisters in place that shared my vision and held reminded me of the light even in the darkness.
As I write this, I am reminded of commitment. I shared with you my story about staying committed to becoming a coach in the face of a life and death situation with my Dad. Today I read a post from a previous mentor that triggered a memory about almost giving up.
The week I was training to become a Certified Online Business Manager my beloved grandmother passed. It was then I wanted to give up to be with my grief and my family. But being 7 months pregnant with my second child, I realized I couldn’t. If I was to continue on my path, I needed to finish the training and find a way to grieve and heal that felt good.
I found I didn’t want to give up. I was almost done my training and I knew if I could complete it I could open up new doors for myself. So I stayed the course and completed my certification and training.
This is what I wish for you:
time to hear your dreams again,
nourishment from the inside out,
active engagement with life,
and to once again become the co-creator and leader of your vision.
I’m so happy I did because it showed me that when I commit to my vision, the support shows up and you continue to uplevel your life in all areas.
The last recent weeks I have shared candidly about my own transitions and callings. I know I am not alone in feeling the desire to move myself forward and to feeling a call and being afraid to answer it because I have no idea how to get from where I am to where I desire to be.
I know I am not alone in wanting to do more, be more and create more.
I know you feel it too.
My hope is from reading about my own experiences in different transitions in my life it will help you rise to answer your own calling.
Remember this:
Trust your inner guidance.
When you have the courage to listen to a calling things have a way of always working out. (See my blog Guts, Trust and Moving Trucks for more on this.)
Believe in the power of intention and in living your truth.
Do the work to align the areas of your life that are out of synch and navigate the shift into your greater vision. And remember, sometimes it’s knowing what you no longer desire that can lead you to our calling. Don’t ignore those signs. There is much wisdom there.
(Babies, Bottles + Business)
There is no perfect time to answer your calling.
There is only the present. The resources and support will appear once you commit.
(Life Support + Answering the Calling)
You are not given an idea, a gift or a calling unless you are able to fulfill it. The Universe will rise to support you.
I work with women in transition, dedicated to their calling and doing the (inner) work required to answer it. My gift to you today is The Woman in Transition Manifesto. I created this with love for you.
You’re welcome to download it here as a PDF and place it somewhere it will inspire and remind you of who you truly are.