Sacred Space
For those ready to master the internal foundation of creating your beloved self + work, Sacred Space is a key element. When you create the rituals of self-care and are committed to self-discovery, you are able to create the sacred space within to access your truth and the guidance that is meant for you.
There is what I call a “sacred temple within” each of us where we are able to empty our minds and open our hearts. Being present in your daily life is part of your ability to access this landscape along with the rituals you create in your self-care plan.
Creating sacred space is a two-fold process. There is the internal sacred space which embodies presence, self-care and developing the tools to build a strong internal foundation and sacred temple within.
And there is the secondary process that involves your external space. This includes clearing up clutter, organizing your own space (your home, your office, your computer, your closet, your makeup drawers, etc.), plugging up any energy leaks and creating inspiring spaces to nurture yourself to do your best work and be your best self.
Sometimes before we can create the sacred space in our homes we must discover the sacred space within. My experience this summer in southern France led me to this realization.
I didn’t even know I would be going to southern France this year but a coach I had been following opened up spaces in an intimate retreat she was leading. When I watched the video she had created I felt a surprising stirring within that led me to have an initial conversation with her about the retreat. At the time, I knew I wanted to go but there was no way I could leave my family and be that far away, let alone make a large investment in myself. It sounded like such a pipe-dream! I thought, who am I to go on a trip like that? Yet, there I was aching to go.
It took me 4 months to work through the deep process of releasing my fears and doubts and claiming my calling to travel to France on my own and for myself. This work is not for the weak-hearted. I totally get it and that’s why saying yes to investing in you is so important because it opens up new doors and avenues for yourself and stretches you to push your edge and comfort. Once you do, you will reach the shorelines of potential, growth and opportunity.
Even on the plane ride to France I still questioned my decision. As I flew over Antarctica I looked out the window at the vast wilderness of snow and emptiness and panicked. I have never been this far away from my family. What was I thinking as a mother to travel this far? I was literally above miles and miles of uninhabited snow-drenched nothing – what if something happened to me? Would this trip really be worth it? Would my family be OK without me? Would I be OK without them?
A lot of soul searching happened on that long flight even after I had made that decision.
But I’ll tell you what. When I landed in France and fumbled my way by bus to an adorable French village and enjoyed a day alone to explore museums, churches and the town with no distractions and no one to answer to but myself …I knew creating this sacred space – this period of “pause and reset” in my life – was essential to my growth, to my self-care, to my journey of aligning my work with my purpose. While it was so hard and heartbreaking at times to be so far away, it was also inspiring, empowering and uplifting. I found pieces of myself I had forgotten about. I connected with ancient, sacred sites. I reveled in the pure simple natural beauty of the French countryside dotted with fields of lavender and medieval castles. I connected on a deep level with women who are doing amazing work in the world. I allowed myself to just BE.
I realized on this trip that these sacred spaces I visited exist to connect us with the divine source and with ourselves. I also realized that sacred space exists within each of us. By visiting ancient sites, we can access the wisdom there for us all. But we also have the power to create sacred space within our every day life and most importantly, within ourselves.
Whether you are building a business, writing a book, changing careers or leading your family, it’s dedication and commitment to creating sacred space that builds a healthy base for being the fierce, fearless, soulful, confident, feminine leader in your life that you desire to be.
Now I am not saying you need to go on a retreat or pilgrimage to connect to sacred spaces. Rather on the contrary, I believe it is imperative to create the sacred spaces within ourselves and within our own homes to connect to the Divine, to our Muse and to our truth and wisdom.
To be the creator in your life requires space to hear, to trust, to receive guidance and inspiration, to connect, to tune out distractions and mental chatter and tune into your soul. In our journey together in The Sacred Cocoon we will look at your internal and external space, clean up the clutter and create inspiring spaces to do our best work.