Creating Sacred Space for the Soulful Feminine Leader

In the busyness of life it is easy to jump in, fight fires and forget about the daily sacred acts that connect us to our purpose, our calling, and the vision we are creating for our lives and business. After all, there are children to get up, lunches to pack, babies to feed, bills to pay, appointments to make and meetings to attend.

Where in the midst of the daily chaos of life do you fit in time for yourself?
How can you make great strides in your business if you are caught in the tides of busyness?

One tiny shift in my schedule has changed everything for me.

I call it my “sacred cocoon” time in the morning when I can connect with myself and source, tune in to my body and slow everything down to see what needs I have and how I can best serve myself, my business and my clients.

Here are 3 tips on how you can create sacred space in your daily schedule.

1. Create a Daily Appointment with Yourself.

Block out 1 hour in the morning just for you. Put it on your calendar. Set a daily reminder so you can’t ignore or forget it.

I used to rush home from dropping my girls off, turn on my computer and dive in. I felt compelled to work as much as possible because my time is money and I couldn’t waste a second. I was paying other people to watch my girls and I wanted to get my work done as fast as possible.

This limited way of working (and thinking) hurt me physically and mentally. I never felt like I had a break and I was constantly jumping from one thing to another and one role to another.

As soon as I blocked out time on my calendar for me everything changed. I listened to my body and to what my needs were in the moment. If it was a beautiful morning and I felt a walk would do me good and jumpstart my inspiration, I would take a short walk. If my journal was calling to me, I would sit with my coffee and journal for half an hour and receive such clarity and sweet release. If I felt I needed to stretch, meditate or do yoga, I allowed myself the freedom and flexibility to do just that.

By putting sacred time for me on my calendar, I was able to release the “mama guilt” of focusing on me and see what power and good came out of it. I was much more clear with my intentions for the day, I showed up fully with my clients and I felt a deep sense of presence in my work.

2. Limit Distractions

Do not open your email, go on Facebook or return texts. Silence your phone ringer for this sacred time. Put it in the other room. Do not even tempt yourself with technology.

Sit with your journal or with an inspiring book and see what comes up. I promise you, the more space you give yourself, the easier it is to connect to your source and to hear the voice of the divine feminine within who is here to support you and your highest calling. How can you hear your truth if you are constantly looking, reading and hearing the voices of others? Silence the voices, limit the distractions and go within. You will inherently know what part of you needs nourishment and what areas of your business (or life) to focus on first.

3. Be Consistent

Set the appointment on your calendar with daily reminders so you do not stray from this sacred act. Habits do not become habits if you do not practice them and give them your full attention. It took me a good week to get this down and now I can’t imagine sitting down and jumping into work these days. My body and my spirit need this time. The clarity I receive is so important to me, to my business and to the clients I am serving. I would not be the coach I am today without this sacred, personal act.

Look at this as part of your devotional practice or prayer. The practice to get fully present with yourself, your life, your business. What opportunities and truth will arise from this? What new program may be birthed during this time? Clarity is queen and to be clear, we must be present in our lives.

Tune in to yourself, tune out to the busyness of others and lean in to the truth that dwells within.

It is calling to you, soul seeker.

A soulful, feminine leader leads from within.
Adding a daily ritual will empower you to be the leader you know you can be, the present Mama you want to be and the soulful woman you know you already are.

I would love to hear how this is going for you! What insights and inspirations are coming through? Is anything blocking you? Please leave a message after you commit and start practicing your daily sacred cocoon time.

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