In order to create change, you must first change yourself.
In order to change yourself, you must first know yourself.
The process of self-discovery is part of the lost art of self-reflection. In today’s busy world, we rarely take time out of our schedules to tune in and yet this is a critical piece to creating positive change and transformation.
One of the 5 Sacred Keys to Creating & Launching Your Beloved Work is Self-Discovery. A woman who knows herself is powerful. She holds the key to being aware of her internal state so she can create the shifts within to create the change she desires.
When you can devote intention and presence to discovering and awakening the wisdom, beauty and truth that dwells within you, you have a strong core foundation and understanding to create the version of you that you are ready to step into.
I believe this is the work we are being called to do.
I believe each of us hears a calling within guiding us on the next step of our journey. Whether you are a mother, a realtor, a designer, an online entrepreneur, a retail business owner, a corporate manager, a therapist, a coach, a counselor, a healer or a writer you have your own unique calling that embodies your own unique gifts and purpose. It is your job to listen and to act from this source of inspiration.
I know you have had moments where you have felt a calling and for whatever reason ignored it. I know I have had my own fair share of ignoring ideas that I later regretted. In fact, I felt the calling to become a coach back in 2005. I went to a coach training course over a weekend and was very inspired. I had my doubts and I’ll never forget asking the facilitator if I could do this because I felt my age hindered me. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said something I will never forget and that has stuck with me. However, I didn’t listen to the calling. I allowed those fears and doubts to take over. I had also just started a new full-time job which required long hours and lots of travel. I wasn’t able to keep up with the coach training I knew I wanted to do. It also felt safer to my 26 year-old self to stay with my full-time job and to see where that took me.
Well, the funny thing about moments of inspiration and hearing a call is that when they are meant for you, they are meant for you. Meaning, you may allow fear, doubts and ego to run the show but it’s only a matter of time for your soul and your calling to return. And in my case it took me 9 years – almost a full decade – to return to answer the calling I felt within to become a coach. I don’t want this to happen to you. I don’t want you to wait another year (or 9!) to answer the call you feel within. Because you know what’s interesting? I haven’t talked to one single person who has regretted following an inspired idea.
Not one single one.
So what is stopping you right now from going after your own dreams? What is stopping you from starting the journey and creating your next chapter?
Your journey requires your soul to take the lead and allow your fears to be released. Your journey requires a commitment to self-discovery, reflection and awareness so true change can occur. Change from the inside out. Your journey requires bravery and courage to answer the call. Your journey requires a deep level of support, mentorship, coaching and sisterhood.
What the world needs is women who have come alive in their lives and to themselves.
In The Sacred Cocoon: A 5-Month Journey to Creating and Launching Your Beloved Work we create the sacred space, sisterhood and support to answer your calling, to create the next project you feel inspired to create and to dive deeper into the ancient, lost art of Self-Discovery and the other five sacred keys (more on those to come).
You can read more about this intimate experience here.
My hope is for you to follow the whispers, answer the call and discover what you are truly capable of because I know it is greatness that calls to you.