Shattering Ourselves Open

There is a lot of discord within the hearts of people and within our world today. Many of the emotions I have seen and witnessed are either fearful or kind and loving in nature right now. Let us remember to check in with our hearts, always to be mindful of our own intentions and to not get sucked into the vortex of fear that is running rampant everywhere right now.

If we can all stay in this space of the unknown, intentionally choose to be uncomfortable for a bit and not allow ourselves to get complacent and go back to feeling comfortable, we can and we will find the answers we are seeking for ourselves.

My hope is we can stop pointing fingers at each other and look within. This is not about an election or a candidate.

What I am sensing so deeply on a profound level is the opportunity for us to look within, to crack ourselves open, to feel and listen to our shadows and to heal. We must heal these shattered fragments of ourselves so we can collectively rise.

Shattering Ourselves Open
There are many deep beliefs that need to be shed in order for us to move forward together as women, as a people and as a nation. This fear is forcing us all to feel the other side – the shadow side – and to confront what we fear and judge within ourselves.

We have deep wounds. It takes a seismic “upset” and shift to occur for us to awake to the reality we have been living in and create a new one that is in alignment with the direction we wish to create. This is a requirement for us all to move forward.

The work that needs to be done is internal so the external may reflect it.
To do the work, you must create the space.

Take a break from the media as it is only propelling more fear. Allow yourself the opportunity to create sacred space. And then I encourage you to go within, to the depths of your own shadows and ask the hard questions.

Tuesday was a deep night of the soul for our country’s soul and it is now time for us to enter the darkness so we may emerge transformed.

Masks are falling right now. Look within, have the hard conversations and take inspired action from a place of clarity and soul.

Do you hear a calling to pursue your business? We need you.
Do you hear a calling to reach out to your neighbors in solidarity? We need you.
Do you hear a calling to raise your children to stand up for the values of equality and kindness? We need you.
Do you hear a calling to share your voice and your truth respectfully with no fear? We need you.
Do you hear a calling to use your money with intention and as a statement of support? We need you.

We need women who have come awake and alive to their purpose.
We need women who can heal themselves in order to heal others.
We need women to stand up for what they believe in.
We need women to do the hard inner work to actually be the change we so desperately feel and desire.
We need women to answer their own unique calling.

We must shatter ourselves open to give birth to what is calling to us.
This goes for a child, a business or a nation.

Have faith good will happen.
Perpetuate acts of kindness.
A leap of faith NEVER fails.
It is our time to leap sisters.
Let us leap into the Unknown together to birth our own beloved movements.

This is our battle cry. This is our time to continue the work of the mothers and sisters before us. They are here guiding us. I can feel it. And there are old wounds, old stories that even they were wrapped up in that we must drop. This is when we can truly shatter the glass ceiling.

Let’s get to work, Sister.

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