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Activate. Illuminate. Clarify. Claim.

Do you find yourself at a crossroads of Change?

Can you feel the stirrings of your Soul calling you?

Are you willing to follow the breadcrumbs of Inspiration?

Are you ready to lead a soul-led life?

In times when chaos, distraction and confusion can feel crippling or overwhelming, it is time to return to self, to descend to receive clarity and to call upon the guides and guardians to support you on your sacred journey.

I have worked with women on the brink of transformation who:

  • felt they needed to leave a marriage and found the strength and courage to do so,
  • sensed a calling rise within for a new career and found the resources, time and focus to make it happen,
  • weren’t clear what changes needed to happen but knew they were ready to embark on an internal journey to support their own knowing and guidance,
  • wanted to dive deeper with their natural gifts and talents to launch new programs, offers, or projects,
  • needed spiritual and emotional healing and support after having children and before returning to work,
  • craved depth and personal meaning after retirement,
  • desired change but weren't clear what that change looked like,
  • were ready to work in the intuitive, soul realms and connect with the guidance, wisdom and power of the sacred mysteries that has been veiled for centuries
  • cleared blocks to deepen in with their intuition and soul-led healing path
  • initiated rites of passage and personal rituals to meet the needs of the moment (including birth, midlife, and death)
  • launched a new creative endeavors

I work alongside women like you who trust in the nudges, whispers, and signs of their soul to lead them to a threshold of change and transformation on their journey. Women who are ready to leap into the unknown whether they realize it or not.

Soul Midwifery

At some point on our journey as women, we benefit from a guide who is skilled at soul midwifery. 

A Soul Midwife serves as a guide who can create sacred space, connect you to the spiritual realms and help you clarify your own dreams and visions to plant the seeds of your dreams. She is a fellow sister who supports your sacred service, visions, leadership, mothering, tending and dreaming. She embodies the everyday priestess who sees your vision and can midwife the birth of your soul craft in practical, manageable ways.

You know the way.

Trust yourself. Trust your knowing. Trust your intuition. Trust your body. Trust the signs.

You are a sovereign soul.

Allow yourself to be held and guided in sacred space to further Activate, Illuminate, Clarify and Claim the change your Soul desires.

Introducing Private Soul Midwifery Mentoring

When we come together in Soul Midwifery, you will energetically experience the Cave of Transformation created specifically for you to support your activation, healing and transformation. 

We are living at a pivotal, powerful time when our gifts are needed now more than ever before. And yet for many of us, we can feel weighed down and unable to completely rebirth ourselves alone.

If you feel the call to break from the web of distraction and be led into the crystalline clarity of working in alignment with your Soul, unlocking her wisdom, gifts and knowing, I invite you to say yes and cross over your threshold. 

Are you ready?

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Some of the many ways we can work together include:
  • Clearing old patterns, wounds and storylines that have kept you small or stuck
  • Clarifying your soul’s purpose and path of sacred leadership or activism
  • Creating the beloved program, business or offering that you are ready to birth to the world
  • Designing specific rituals or ceremonies for High Holy Days, Life Initiations and Celebrations
  • Working with the Blood Mysteries and your cycle
  • Weaving in the energies of the Earth, the Seasons, the Moon and the Sacred Feminine to support flow and consistency in your life
  • Reclaiming your sacred feminine nature
  • Carving out more time for yourself in your everyday life
  • Activating the Sacred Feminine Archetypes and Guides in your body, heart and life
  • Intuitively working with specific Soul Guides, Goddesses and/or Archetypes
  • Healing the ancient mother wound we carry and that unknowingly can impact our families and relationships
  • Deepening your relationship with your soul’s guidance so you can clearly receive, hold and follow your own wisdom and messages
  • Reconciling, protecting and balancing your energy, 
  • Specific online business or program design support to launch your business, program, offer, book or creative venture with ease and aligned with the vision of your soul

This is an intensely personal journey of transformation.

Registration for Soul Midwife Mentoring and Facilitation
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Soul Midwife Single session

One hour private soul midwifery session customized to suit your unique needs.

This package includes:

  • 1 private Soul Midwifery Session
  • Curated personal ritual
  • 1 week of follow-up email support

Investment: $150
(Value $250)

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Soul Midwife Moon Package

Customized private mentoring package for one entire moon cycle.

This package includes:

  • 2 private Soul Midwifery Sessions
  • Curated rituals and support for New and Full Moon
  • Weekly, private email support (can include tarot/oracle readings, channeled messages)
  • Customized Numerology reading on your Soul's path and the season ahead

Investment: $400(Value $500)

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Soul Midwife Seasonal Journey

Deep dive together for an entire season following the energetic support of the Moon, the Earth, and the magic of the Wheel of the Year Sacred Days.

This package includes:

  • 8 private Soul Midwifery Sessions
  • Curated rituals and support for each New or Full Moon and High Holy Days of the Season
  • Weekly, private email and voice messaging support (can include tarot/oracle readings + channeled messages)
  • Customized Numerology reading on your Soul's path and the season ahead (Numerology reading for your business available at extra charge)

Registration now open for the following Seasonal Sessions:

Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice Session
(March, April, May, June 2024)

Beltane to Lammas Session
(May, June, July, August 2024)

Investment: $1,600 (Value $2,000)

4-Month Payment plan ($400/mos) available below

Length of time: 13 Weeks, 4 Full Moons

The path to transformation begins within.

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Your Spiritual Midwife and Guide
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Gretchen Sechrist Kehan

Dedicated to the unveiling, healing, and rising of the sacred feminine and embodied sacred activism in our shifting world, Gretchen is devoted to the inner journey and descent necessary to arise empowered, sovereign, and connected.

Gretchen has worked for over 18 years in the fields of transformative change, coaching and entrepreneurship. She is a trained Priestess, Psychic, Scholar-practitioner, Transformational Coach, Certified Online Business Manager, and founder of DaughtersRising.net. She most recently graduated from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) with an M.A. in Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice.

As a Soul Midwife, Oracle, and Facilitator, Gretchen works through ritual, sacred space, channeling, guided meditation, group coaching, and mentoring to empower others to reclaim their sacred gnosis and intuitive connection to become leaders of their own hearts, hearths, and lives.

Gretchen believes in actively cycling with the energies of the season and understanding your blood ancestral and your spiritual lineage in order to walk the pathway to Know Thyself.

"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul"
— Hermes
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