Stretch Yourself

When you walk on the path of self-awareness, self-discovery and self-mastery being comfortable is no longer an option.

Comfort and playing safe is the journey of the Ego.

Taking risks, trusting and not knowing the outcome but following your intuition and staying committed to your own expansion and growth is the journey of the Soul.

When we give ourselves permission to stretch ourselves – through our own work, in our lives, in our personal investments – you will expand into a greater vision and version of yourself.

I have been reflecting lately on the investments I have made for myself the last few years that have stretched me personally and professionally. I am who I am today because of these investments and because I stretched myself to the edge of comfort.

When I was pregnant with my first child I thought I would leave my toxic corporate job and find a new one during my maternity leave (cue laughter here). I allowed myself the time in my beautiful cocoon with my newborn to see beyond where I was at and dream of the possibility of where I could go if I didn’t return.

And I did just that. I was able to leave that job for a few different reasons. This is when I embarked on the self-employment track. I stretched myself past fear of consistent income and good benefits to the shores of freedom and creativity.

Once I became self-employed I was determined to invest in myself each and every year. I would allow myself to invest in one program that helped me professionally and personally because they are BOTH connected. You can’t be in business and only focus on business growth. Being in business for yourself is the most challenging personal development course you will ever sign up for.

So every year I chose programs that stretched me personally and professionally. In the last few years I have been focusing more on the personal development and as a result, it has shifted my business in a positive direction (this is one reason I am no longer just a business coach but I work with clients on mindset, self-care, purpose-driven work, scheduling their life for change, etc.). You can’t do the work and not focus on your life. They are connected. Just as we are connected and plugged in not only as entrepreneurs or creatives but as sisters, friends, daughters, mothers, partners. One area will always impact the other.

When we allow ourselves to stretch our current perspective and versions of ourselves, we can find the wings to fly closer towards our dreams and visions.

And the cool thing is, we will always be expanding. It’s not only about obtaining a certain goal but rather learning the tools to use to support your Soul’s guidance, to creating your beloved movement in the world and to doing the inner work so your outer world reflects the values, truth and unique gifts that you are here to share.

So stretch yourself beyond what you think possible.

Find your wings and learn to fly.

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