Winter Solstice + Soulitude Practice

As our days grow shorter and we move ever closer to the Winter Solstice, I am feeling drawn inward. If you follow the natural rhythms and cycles of Nature, you will discover an ever-present guide for your own internal journey.

Winter Solstice which happens Thursday, December 21, is the shortest day of the year which also makes it the longest night. Throughout ancient history, people celebrated and honored this point in time as the rebirth of the sun/son after the darkest phase of the year. A long winter’s night is a magical, potent time for self-reflection and to unearth hidden desires and truths within.

In the Greek Myth of Demeter and Persephone, Persephone goes into the underworld, dragged by the God of the Underworld. Demeter in her grief for her missing daughter unintentionally freezes the Earth and no plants can grow. In other ancient accounts I have read, Persephone isn’t stolen by the God of the Underworld but willingly goes on her own. It is time for her as a Maiden to disentangle herself from her Mother’s presence and watchful eye, to follow her her own guidance and to begin her descent into the Mother Earth.

We are like Persephone right now.

It is the winter of our descent into darkness and the unknown.

As I feel myself naturally get outwardly quieter and turn inward, I invite you to go into the depths of your own heart and allow yourself sacred time and space for reflection.

Feel into what the coming Solstice and Season are asking of you. For some, it is time to take bold, daring action. For others, it may be time to turn inward, reflect and dream so that you can confidently take action. There is much power in rest and dreaming. Persephone leaves her Maidenhood in the space of her winter descent and becomes the Woman She Knows She Is.

I invite you to do what feels best for you. When you take time for yourself to listen, truly listen, to your soul, she will show up.

I ask that you now show up for yourself, allow yourself space to rest in this transitional time and reflect on where you are in your own seasons of change and growth.

Here are a few journal prompts to support you in your own winter solstice + solitude practice:

  • As we transition from Fall to Winter, what transition in your own life are you experiencing?
  • What desires can you find hidden in the night sky of your soul?
  • What do you long to birth in the next year?
  • What do you need to release to the cold, winter winds that is no longer serving you?
  • What support do you need in your winter descent into the unknown?


It’s important to remove ourselves from our screens and daily walls to be not only a witness, but a participant in the wisdom of nature’s cycles. She is an ever-present guide for us on our journey.

Sometimes, we know we need something more, we feel it’s time to make a change but we don’t know where to start, are uncertain of what to do or how to begin. All journeys begin with a single step.

For those ready for a change, ready to answer that inner longing and calling you feel, but you may not feel ready for a big investment or time commitment I introduce you to Winter Soulitude: A 6-Week Guided Journey to Craft Your Own Sacred Practice.

This virtual home-study program is for you if you:

  • Give to everyone but don’t take time for yourself
  • Feel guilty sneaking in a little “me” time
  • Need to put self-care practices in place
  • Desire more time, energy and focus on yourself
  • Are ready to awaken to your intuition and internal guidance

Winter is a time to go within to grow, cleanse and prepare for spiritual growth
. Allow me to guide you in creating your own internal journey in the depths of winter (and by the comfort of your own, cozy fireplace)  to slow down and to create quietude, self-care and sacred space in your everyday life.

During our time together, you will:

  • Work with the natural energies of Winter
  • Tune out so you can tune in to your own inner guidance and wisdom
  • Discover how to create sacred space in your home and within yourself
  • Clear all the chatter, outside noise and clutter
  • Receive support in creating your own sacred practices
  • Plug up energy leaks
  • Learn rituals to deepen into your own inner knowing
  • Create an altar
  • Work with a Goddess Archetype intuitively chosen for you

In this program, you will have 6 weeks of home study with:

  • Weekly emails and soulitude assignments
  • Weekly videos on the practices and tools you will put into place
  • A private Facebook group to ask questions, get support from me and connect with a virtual tribe of women dedicated to their own soul practice.

Learn more and register here.

We begin on the first New Moon of 2018 (January 16). I hope you will join us.

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