You deserve your dreams.
I want to touch on a belief that is near and dear to me: the belief that you do not deserve your dreams.
This belief has stopped me from going after what I desired for years. It’s the same belief I see show up over and over again with clients and colleagues. And it’s time for us to face our internal story about self-worth and what we do and do not “deserve.”
Have you ever had a goal or vision for your life that felt “too big”? That the thought of actually going for it and expanding past your current reality was too scary? What would people think? Who would even listen to you? Do you even deserve that level of success, visibility and fortune?
I feel you, sister.
That was me, too.
That is us.
It is a collective fear that stops us from going after what we truly want.
As women we have been taught to mind our own business, that it’s not safe to express our true opinion, that our place is in the home, with the family, by our partners side, etc. You know all the stories we harbor deep within our own very hearts. Stories that aren’t even ours. Some of this comes from ideas and notions passed on through generations and generations. All this “advice” from well-meaning adults, teachers, mentors and family members have kept us safe and hidden. Just like it has kept the divine feminine safe and hidden for thousands upon thousands of years.
But there is an awakening happening. We are living in a time of great transition when we are remembering our truth and ancient wisdom and it is a time for us to harbor this truth and wisdom into birthing our own calling and the collective calling into the world.
But these collective myths and beliefs that we are not worthy of our own dreams are coming up for us so we may heal and release them. Then we can fully ignite our dreams and BELIEVE WE ARE WORTH THEM.
Our dreams deserve us and we deserve our dreams. We are worthy, we are capable and we hold the ability to bring them to life.
You are not given an idea that you cannot create. You are born a Creator. You are here to co-create the vision for your life, for your work, for your service, for your legacy.
Often we trip ourselves up by not trusting in our own creative and divine force. We are women; we have the ability to create life itself. We also have the ability to destroy it.
Think about it: Are you being the Creator or the Destroyer of your dreams?
When you are the Creator you trust in the birthing process, you ask for support, you openly receive it and you trust that everything is always working out for you.
When you are the Destroyer you are unable to receive the supply of support available to you and you cut off your divine wisdom, power and connection.
Look at how you treat your dreams, your calling and your greater vision.
Are you nurturing it like a mother would a baby or are you shaming yourself, doubting yourself and filling your head and heart with every reason why you shouldn’t do something.
It is time to embrace your inner, fierce Great Mother, receive the support available to you and invoke the circumstances and mindset to become the Creator in your life.
You deserve this.
You are more powerful than you think you are, you are more connected to divine source and support than you have been allowing yourself to be and you are worthy of success, creativity, pleasure and wild abundance.
When I realized that staying hidden was a disservice, I finally freed myself from the shackles of self-worth, self-doubt and self-criticism. Because it is not about me. Just like it’s not about you. It is about doing your work in the world, whatever that may look like through your career, your business or how you show up every day in relationships and in connection with others.
It is about sharing, it is about service; it is about embodying who you truly are in your everyday interactions and actions.
So my desire for you is to not squelch your dreams. If you have been feeling called to do something new, start a business, change jobs, have a baby, write a book, start a blog, grow your business, expand your offerings…do it. Embrace these seeds of inspirations, nourish them like the mother and creator you are and fill your garden with joy.
You are worthy of your dreams and I am here to support you on your journey to becoming the creator of your life.
The Know Thyself Sisterhood Mastermind is my contribution to our growing, collective garden. This is a sacred act of creation and service for women ready to receive clarity, confidence and connection to create their desires. This is the program I have always desired for myself on my journey and the one I have had dreams about for my clients for few years now.
Remember to stay hidden is a disservice. Come find your inner light to shine here.
You deserve it.